Yan Tai

Yan Tai (台琰)

I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA). Additionally, I am engaged as a research intern at SenseTime, focusing on research related to multi-modal large-scale models(MLLMs).

My research interests encompass various fields, including MLLMs, Semantic Segmentation, Object Detection, and Anomaly Detection. I am currently seeking a Ph.D. position, and I welcome any inquiries or opportunities in this regard. Please feel free to contact me.


University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Master of Artificial Intelligence, Jan 2024

GPA 3.77/4.00

Nanchang Hangkong University

Bachelor of Automation Engineering, June 2017



Research Intern, May 2023 - Current

Institute of Automation, CAS

Master Student, Sep 2020 - Current


Machine Learning Engineer, Sep 2017 - Sep 2019


  • Yan Tai*, Weichen Fan*, Zhao Zhang, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Ziwei Liu. (2023). Link-Context Learning For Multimodal LLMs. Arxiv [Paper][Code]
  • Bingke Zhu, Yan Tai, Yingying Chen, Wei Zhou, Ming Tang, Jinqiao Wang. (2022). NextInd: Next Generation Pre-Trainer for Industrial Image Representation. Watting for Submission.
  • Yan Tai, Bingke Zhu, Yingying Chen, Ming Tang, Jinqiao Wang. (2022). Pointrefine: Patch-attention Based Small Objects Segmentation Refiner. Watting for Submission.